Artur GevorgyanMultiple React applications in oneToday we’ll try to make an application with React(v16.7.0-alpha.0), that can allow us to have more than one applications in one SPA. In…Nov 28, 2018Nov 28, 2018
InWe’ve moved to WilkieHow to leverage your React skills with static site generator Gatsby.jsSometimes a dynamic single-page app is overkill. You just need to get some attractive information on the internet. Welcome back to static…Dec 3, 20187Dec 3, 20187
Addy OsmaniProgressive Web Apps with React.js: Part I — IntroductionProgressive Web Apps take advantage of new technologies to bring the best of mobile sites & native apps to users. They’re reliable, fast…Oct 4, 201625Oct 4, 201625
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InWe’ve moved to HumayunHow to build a PWA with Create-React-App and custom service workersNote: This is not a primer on create-react-app or what a service worker is. This post assumes prior knowledge of both.Aug 8, 20189Aug 8, 20189
InWe’ve moved to M PrabhuHow to build a real-time chatroom with Firebase and React (Hooks)If you are into front-end development, I bet you know what react is. It has become the most popular front-end framework and does not…Jan 14, 20196Jan 14, 20196
InJavaScript ScenebyEric ElliottRethinking Unit Test AssertionsWell written automated tests always act as a good bug report when they fail, but few developers spend time to think about what information…Oct 8, 201823Oct 8, 201823
InJavaScript ScenebyEric ElliottUnit Testing React ComponentsUnit testing is a great discipline which can lead to 40%-80% reductions in production bug density. Unit testing also has several other…Mar 7, 201922Mar 7, 201922
InLevel Up CodingbyDan HalperinMaster UX with React in 2020: Four Ways to Upgrade Your React App User ExperienceIf your application gives the user a good feeling, they are more likely to continue using it.Nov 11, 20199Nov 11, 20199
Sandip NirmalCompound Components with React Context APIReact is a great UI library for building web/native (React Native) applications. At the heart of React application development is…Feb 23, 20191Feb 23, 20191
InNerd For TechbyAnjula SamarasingheLet’s add dynamic meta tags to a React appAdding meta tags is easy right? yeah but not for React apps. Making your site SEO friendly is one of the major things that everyone cares…Aug 11, 20202Aug 11, 20202
InWebtipsbyJM SantosPatterns for Doing API Calls in ReactJSRethinking other approachesSep 20, 20207Sep 20, 20207
Ryan ChenkieReact Authentication: How to Store JWT in a CookieKeeping your JSON Web Tokens in local storage isn’t a good idea. Learn how to move them to an HttpOnly cookie for your React apps.Apr 30, 202025Apr 30, 202025
InJavaScript in Plain EnglishbyLouis PetrikA First Look at React’s New Server ComponentsExplaining the new approach to fetching data in React.js.Dec 22, 20203Dec 22, 20203